
okasha c.v

Name: Abdel Razek Okasha

Birth date: 18/4/1968

Birth place: Egypt

Postion:Artist and critic

Vice President of the Autumn Salon

Nationality: Egyptian – French


Education:Diploma of Fine Arts,Sandony University.Paris 1995


Participated in exhibitions in 28 countries

_Gallery Ri Moviar 1994 Paris

_ Chenko Gallery Japan


_Picasso Gallery 2005 Egypt

_ Bushehri Gallery 2007 Kuwait

_Sharjah Biennial United Arab Emirates 1997

_Iran Biennale 2001/2003

_Mediterranean Festival 1998 Rabat Morocco

_Egyptian Cultural Center in Paris, 1993.

_Syrian Cultural Center Exhibition – Paris 1994

_The founding conference of the Union of Artists UNESCO _ _ 1996 Sana’a Yemen

_Conference artists – UNESCO _ Morocco Casablanca 1998

_The foundations of South-South Dialogue Forum 2005

_ Parisian Salon Art Forum 1993

_Paris Salon Ahram 1997

_The artists insist Mahrs for 1997/1998

_Biennale of Graphic Srsl

_Versailles Biennale of Graphic

_First International Biennale cultural Egypt _2009


_Received the honor from the Japan Foundation Gallery Chenko 1996 And he threw several lectures on art in several Japanese cities of Kyoto Ouska _ Njahara

_Was selected as a member of the jury Festival tin shack in Tunisia and generosity in the same session of the festival in 1997

30 selected as the most important artist from the Mediterranean basin in Belgium and the sculpture was chosen two works of his works for display at the Museum of Albotonik 1998

_Received the honor 50 artists as the most important Arabic in Iran in 2003

_Was chosen as one of the most important sculptor of fifteen in Africa over the past 50 years and exhibited at the Museum of Mirwais Downie pilot and founder of the school of the prophets and the 2007

_Received the honor from the Governor Srsl events within the Biennale of Graphic Srsl 2005

_Generosity of the Egyptian ELSAD Club 2005 in the presence of a large selection of media and artists

_President of Assiut University in 2005 as the founder of the Forum on South- South Dialogue International

_The establishment of a special exhibition honoring the governor of the city Srsl French 2007



_Sculpture prize to the first jury Salon 1995 Paris

_Technical Recognition prize from Japan 1997

_Museum of Modern Art prize in 1998 Balijkia

_Prize for the best critic in the competition Brorinoar 1998

_First Prize Festival tin shack _ Tunisia, 1998

_Orly City Award in Sculpture 2000

_prize 2003 International Biennale of Iran

_First prize _ Autumn Salon Paris 2003

_First prize _ Paris Autumn Salon 2008

 _First prize _ Paris Autumn Salon2010


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Abdel Razek Okasha Artist and critic



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